Thursday, February 2, 2012

Australian Psychological Society : Events Calendar

Description This workshop/master class will offer a practical and clinically relevant overview of selfhood against the backdrop of compartmentalization, amnesias, automatons, re-enactments, flashbacks, depersonalization/derealization and alternative identity states frequently seen in individuals with complex trauma syndromes/dissociative disorders. The workshop will offer as an orientating reference point, an analysis of the defining characteristics of the abuse suffered by those where incestuous abuse continued into adult years as well as outlining the particular psychological challenges faced by those so effected.

The workshop will provide an overview of treatment options and the sorts of clinical challenges associated with the treatment of such individuals where the development of selfhood has been so impacted upon by pervasive ongoing incest. Such individuals form a reference point for the assessment of other individuals whose abuse was perhaps not as enduring or as extreme. The clinical challenges represented by such patients are illustrated by selected representative clinical vignettes and case studies. It is envisaged that the workshop will incorporate substantial time to discuss issues brought up by those attending. Background reading will be made available to enhance the learning/interactive opportunity.
Adjunct Professor Warwick Middleton is an internationally renowned clinician, researcher and author in the field of trauma studies. He is the Director of the Trauma and Dissociation Unit, Belmont Private Hospital, Brisbane. He is also Adjunct Professor, School of Public Health, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Associate Professor in Psychiatry, University of Queensland. He has made substantial and ongoing contributions to the bereavement and trauma literatures and was with Dr Jeremy Butler author of the first published series in the Australian scientific literature detailing the abuse histories and clinical phenomenology of patients fulfilling diagnostic criteria for Dissociative Identity Disorder. He chairs The Cannan Institute as well as its research and conference organizing committees. He is a member of the International Advisory Board of the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry and is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Trauma and Dissociation as well as being a regular reviewer for a number of psychiatric journals.


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