Friday, July 20, 2012

Shorten up your work hours for summer - Business Management Daily

As temperatures soar and vacation season kicks into high gear, your organization can score significant points with employees by making short work of summer Fridays.

An OfficeTeam survey shows that employees covet flexible schedules and short-day Fridays the most during the summer. Similarly, a Harris Interactive study revealed that 78% of employed adults who have to work on summer Fridays would take the day or half-day off if their companies offered the perk.

Still, 41% who work for companies that offer the extra time off say they work on Fridays anyway because their workload is so heavy.

In the survey, 75% of HR managers said their companies offer flextime during the summer and 63% let employees leave early on Fridays.

Employees also pointed to company picnics and a casual dress code as coveted summer perks.

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