Do not pay your taxes with credit cards that will be canceled when you file for bankruptcy. Most of the time, you cannot discharge this debt. As a result, you will owe the IRS a lot of money. Transferring the debt to another medium (e.g. a credit card) won't magically make a tax debt discharagable, either. Thus, it doesn't make sense to use a credit card when it is going to be discharged when you file for bankruptcy.
It should go without saying, but refrain from lying in your bankruptcy filings. Don't hide income or assets from your lawyer or the bankruptcy trustee or you may find yourself in legal trouble.
You're going to need to select an attorney with ample experience dealing in bankruptcies if you're planning to file. There are numerous attorneys available to assist you with your case. And make sure that you do not always go cheap, hire a quality lawyer, they may be better suited to help you.
Write down every debt you have. This will be your basis in filing for bankruptcy, so see to it that you write down all of the debts you're aware of. Always go through your statements and get exact numbers. Don't rush through the process if you desire that the amounts get discharged the right way.
Divorce can unexpectedly leave people in financial ruins. Divorcing will only complicate your financial situation. You may find that both you and your spouse must file for bankruptcy following divorce. It is often wise to give the situation more thought before making a final decision.
People who fear bankruptcy are wise to do so, because it is never a pleasant experience. Don't let your fear take over. You now have the knowledge necessary to overcome the fear. Take this advice to heart, and do everything possible to improve your situation.
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